Saturday, April 18, 2015

“It’s Not About the Money”

“It’s Not About the Money”

Did you ever hear the song from Pitch Perfect “It’s not about the money money money.  We don’t need your money money money. We just want to see the world dance, forget about the price tags.”?  Well, even if you have not heard the song, I believe you get the jest.   The connection of this song to this blog is that teaching agriculture is certainly not about the money. 

Thumper (rabbit) and I demonstrating restraints to Vet Science class.
Fellow Student Teacher, Toby joined our Natural Resources class to do an "Elk Talk"  Pretty Sweet!

My cooperating teacher, Mrs. Kelly Bier has demonstrated that to me in numerous ways.  She tells me that as you long as you love kids and care about their successes then the rest falls into place.  This does not just mean their academic successes; instead it also connects to leadership and social ones as well.

My awesome partner & I cleaning the community!

Students are "Living to Serve"

This past week the Shippensburg FFA volunteered time to “Adopt-A-Highway” early on a Saturday morning, drive over an hour to participate in an Area Fun Night at Newport High School, traveled to Cumberland Valley High School to engage in a Pennsylvania Association of Agriculture Educators conference, connect with community supporters who conducted the officer interviews for the next FFA leadership term, and finally worked really hard on preparing for our upcoming banquet and to present a lesson to elementary school students.  All of these events show students, teachers, and community supporters who are invested in the future of agriculture and education.  People caring about the future are awe-inspiring to me because it exemplifies that life is not about the money!

Officer Interview!
Always important to show student work!




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